Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Natural Gas Discovered in Mediteraanean Sea off Israel's Coast

Houston-based Noble Energy announced today that a huge natural gas formation has been discovered off the coast of Haifa in the Mediterranean Sea.

So what, you say?

Well, to the average reader this may not be the biggest news story of the day, given that most of today's global events were eclipsed by the inauguration of a new presidential administration here in the U.S.

However,this is very significant when viewed through the "third lens" of biblical scripture. Why is this?

In the 38th Chapter of the book written by the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel, he describes in detail a huge coalition of forces led by a mysterious monarch named Gog. This is a coalition of forces that will be gathered against Israel in the "latter days" to come and destroy the them and to attempt to "...capture spoil and to seize plunder..." (Ezekiel 38:12). What on Earth would cause such a coalition to gather enmasse? Well, considering that the entire globe is starving for resources of oil and natural gas, would such a discovery set into motion a march toward Armageddon? The answer is an emphatic: Yes!

Consider Israel's industrial infrastructure for a moment. They produce diamonds, sophisticated electronics, and have some of the best agricultural science on the planet, not to mention their sophisticated weapons systems for their national defense, to name a few. However, none of these would be of any strategic value to the Gog/Magog coalition.

However, a natural gas field of 3 trillion (no that's not a misprint that's trillion) cubic feet of gas that is worth hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue? That alone would whet a few energy appetites. And what about the oil reserves rumored to be in and around Israel? Once those reserves are tapped and Israel becomes the largest exporter of both oil and natural gas, thus freeing them from energy dependency, you will see a flow of wealth into Israel that will make a few oil sheiks seem like they're sitting on welfare. According to the prophetic record, they're not about to go down as OPEC has-beens.

The prophet writes that although this coalition is superior to Israel's defense, it will meet with catastrophic defeat accompanied by a great slaughter when the Lord Jehovah divinely intervenes and overthrows Gog and his coalition. How great will be the slaughter? Ezekiel reveals that Israel will be burying the dead for seven months to cleanse the land of the stench of rotting flesh and carnage. (Ezekiel 39:12)

Yes, dear reader. This is very significant.

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