Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Recent War Between Israel and Gaza

The recent war between Israel and Gaza has grabbed the attention of the entire world with the ad nauseum Poor Palestinians, Evil Israelis pablum that serves as news from the usual suspects in American media.

However, I need to get this off my chest at the beginning: Israel wouldn't have been in this mess had they retained possession of the Gaza Strip in the first place.

There is nothing worse than secular Israelis who haven't a clue of their own history, let alone a perspective through the "third lens". I love Israel and will support her to the end. But they succeed in making it very difficult for me to continue to do so whenever they engage in reckless policy decisions that will inevitably result in further attacks against her citizenry by an enemy that is sworn to their destruction. Hamas' charter calls for Israel's complete annihilation and refuses to recognize the existence of the Jewish state. This is like the Peanuts cartoons of Lucy and the football,in which she continually yanks the ball from Charlie Brown's foot with his every attempt to kick it. Every concession by Israel to appease the Palestinians always, always results in it backfiring against Israel. As a result her citizens suffer. Why Israeli Prime Minister Ohlmert continues to wade through the murky swamp of foreign policy with terror leaders and representatives, thinking that his humanistic view will result in a Kumbaya moment with them, is one of the baffling mysteries of our day. I'll discuss Ohlmert's political blunders at a later time.

Through the "third lens" perspective what is really at work here? This can be nothing more than the terror regime in Tehran working surreptitiously to undermine any "peace negotiations" and wage a proxy war through their puppet organizations like Hamas and Hizbollah. Consider this: As Palestinians continue to suffer through poverty, unemployment, and political chaos 24x7 where in the world are they acquiring the weaponry to wage this cowardly aggression lobbing missiles and mortars on unsuspecting Israelis into border towns near Gaza?

Koening's International News ( recently reported that one missile discovered was originally from China. Interesting. Tehran has established a solid connection with America's "friends"in Beijing and it's not rocket science (no pun intended) to figure out the commodities on the negotiating table. Can we say, 'oil' and 'weapons', students?

Tehran's hatred for Israeli is well-documented and this is just a pre-cursor to the real showdown that awaits the world once the Gog/Magog coalition is finalized and is mobilized.

Though Gaza is not mentioned verbatim in Ezekiel's prophetic record as a member of the future coalition, it would be easy to speculate that puppet terror groups such as Hamaz, Hizbollah, Islamic Jihad, et. al. would be easily absorbed into this massive military coalition.

For now Tehran continues its continuous flow of weaponry into the hands of Hamas and Hizbollah and is making no effort to discontinue their proxy war against the Jewish state.

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