Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Third Lens

The world seems to have lost all equilibrium in the 21st Century.
As a native-born American living in the midwestern United States I am keenly aware of what has just recently transpired within this nation over the past four months.

Something is terribly wrong with America.

Crises, turmoil, and natural disasters, which seem isolated incidents decades ago, are now occurring more frequently and with more intensity. Many in the world are perplexed,confused, and fearful.
F5 tornadoes were few and far between even 10 years ago, but now seem to occur regularly, along with their devastating effects on infrastructure and financial loss.
Category 5 hurricanes are the norm, or so it would seem, and have resulted in catastrophic financial and material loss to hundreds of thousands in coastal regions.
Civility is at an unprecedented low and has slumped quantitatively even in my short life-time. The most recent presidential election is illustrative of this fact. Never have I seen the media and the body politic embark on profuse, ad nauseum ad hominum attacks against political rivals, even to the extreme of character defamation through misrepresentations, slander, and a complete fabrication of "facts" and "data". And to what end? To satisfy their lust for power at the cost of their own character and reputation. There is culpability on both ends of the political spectrum whether Republican or Democrat; Conservative or Liberal. It is discouraging, often disgusting, and serves to undermine the integrity of their professional credibility.

The recent financial debacles on Wall Street and Detroit with their subsequent pleas for government bail-outs to the tune of hundreds of billions of taxpayer funds was the proverbial nail-in-the-coffin to lay the American financial industry to rest, with little hope for recovery.

Is it I or is there something criminally negligent about destroying strong financial institutions that once backed and guaranteed retirement funds and/or mortgage securities in a few short months to satisfy a person's or group of arrogant elitists' greed? Funny. I never once saw footage or reportage describing the arrest and indictment of the perpetrators. What I did see was golden parachutes of hundreds of millions of dollars presented to the very CEOs and CFOs that contributed to the debacle in the first place. Must be nice to be able to play Monopoly for real, fail miserably by bankrupting the company, and walk away with $150 million as severance. Where does one sign up for that deal?

So why am I writing this? Is this just another disgruntled middle-aged American male with nothing better to do?
Well, no, actually.
The purpose of this blog is an attempt to go beyond the headlines and correlate these very events with a perspective that is desperately lacking in our main scream media, to borrow from other conservative pundits.

That perspective is what has come to be known as the "third lens of biblical scripture" and it is very critical if one is to truly understand global events be they political, cultural, financial, or spiritual.

Let me get my cards on the table here. This will not be a politically-correct blog nor commentary on daily global and domestic events.
That said, what is presented here will be from an evangelical Christian perspective using the "third lens" of biblical scripture with a strong pro-Zionist bias. I'll present the case for pro-Zionism later.
I'm well aware of the target I'm painting on my back with this undertaking. This is an unpopular perspective to many and may seem down-right reckless with wild speculations.

In other words, what you read here will be a challenge and, perhaps, offensive to secular thinking. That's exactly why I created this blog.

Some may find my rhetoric judgemental, insensitive, insulting, challenging, humorous...you fill in the blank. It is sure to strike a nerve and conjure up a myriad of emotions.

However, here is the central question around which this blog will revolve: Is there, or could there be an alternative explanation to what we see transpiring around us? Think about it.

It is not merely coincidence that what is happening compliments what was written in the prophetic record of the Bible. Yeshua (Jesus) was very specific about end-time events: what would happen, how it would happen, and why it would happen. Other than the reference to the "latter days", as it is often expressed in the biblical record, both Old and New Testaments, we are not told specifically when this would all come to pass. However, close examination with an open mind for wisdom and understanding will be greatly rewarded.

Before you begin this odyssey allow me to establish a few ground rules:

1. You must be willing to clear your mind of any negative assumptions or presuppositions about Christianity and Christian theology or dogma. If one approaches this with any prejudice based on the media's myopic perception of what Christianity is or who Christians really are, or opinions based only on the past abuses inflicted upon other ethnic groups or civilizations in the name of Christ then this will impede any type of dialog and will deteriorate toward mud-slinging. Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias said it best: If one wants to sling mud one not only gets their hands dirty, but they also lose a lot of ground. Sound wisdom, indeed.

2. The tone of any feedback or commentary must remain civil. Disparaging comments, derogatory and profane rhetoric will not be tolerated.

3. Don't emote. Engage your intellect and structure your arguments and provide evidence for same. Speculation and hear-say only robs one of credibility. To become a respected debater one must be willing to do scholarship if one intends to convince their opponent to reconsider their position(s).

4. For goodness sakes have fun. We need not become bitter enemies over indifferences. This is not a virtual Taliban that will slit your throat because of a disagreement. Although the theme of this blog is quite serious (your very eternity may well depend on it) I will inject humor and sarcastic whit as I see fit. Please feel free to do the same.

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